Name (External link to a webpage with more info) Image Sound
Eagle Image result for eagle  
Cat cat meow
Bird bird tweet
Dog dog woof
Bear bear  
Lion lion roar
Snake snake  
Tiger tiger grrr
Wolf wolf  
Horse horse neigh
Deer deer  
Squirrel squirrel  
Leopard leopard  
Pig pig oink
Lizard lizard  
Turtle turtle  
Rhinoceros rhinoceros  
Cattle cattle  
Giraffe giraffe  
Bat bat  
Frog frog croak
Goat goat  
Reptile reptile  
Hippopotamus hippopotamus  
Armadillo armadillo  
Duck duck quack
Crocodile crocoddile  
Otter otter  
Hare hare  
Raccoon raccoon  
Weasel weasel  
Camel camel  
Hyena hyena  
Lemur lemur  
Panda panda  
Cheetah cheetah  
Owl owl hoo hoo
Antelope antelope  
Donkey donkey  
Shark shark  
Gorilla gorilla  
Polar Bear polar bear  
Skunk skunk  
Koala koala  
Mouse mouse squeak
Chimpanzee chimpanzee  
Reindeer reindeer  
Goose goose  
Cougar cougar  
Penguin penguin  
Alligator alligator  
Kangaroo kangaroo  
Rooster rooster cock-a-doodle-doo
Monkey monkey ee-ee
Fox fox  
Zebra zebra  
Elephant elephant toot


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